Aug 152007

tr-arrived-thumb.jpgSo my fifth book and my first graphic novel, a collaboration with Salgood Sam, is finally available. Therefore Repent! is my take on the dark fantasy world established in the Holy Bible’s Book of Revelation. Some folks have asked about its relation to the Left Behind series, also set post-Rapture but with a conservative bent. I haven’t read it (though I have watched the movie starring Kirk Cameron and featuring Toronto’s CBC building as GNN Headquarters) but from what I hear it’s sincere bible fan-fiction, careful not to violate the canon. Mine’s closer to Bible slashfic, what with the bisexual angels and nipple-clamp-enhanced demonic communion. I like to think I’m re-imagining the Bible franchise, like Frank Miller did for Batman. Head over to the store to buy it or keep reading for the back cover copy and to see a hot book striptease.

Oh my, is that a matte laminate cover? It’s so silky…
Good lord, you’ve got full bleed to the edge of the page… all the way to the edge…
Oh god, what a gorgeous shade of pantone blue printing!

Buy it here, or if you’re in Toronto come to our launch tomorrow.

UPDATE: Eye just ran an interview and article on the book!

  10 Responses to “Therefore Repent! Now Out!!”

  1. I want two!

  2. […] from the high of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival where we not only found an excited audience for our new graphic novel (we sold 90 copies in two days!) but I got to sit beside my favourite comic maker at the […]

  3. Wow, just finished the book. Someone left a copy at our small lending library. I couldn’t put it down and neither could a few other staff. I know it’s early but hope you have a a follow up in the works!

  4. […] Munroe and Salgood Sam have a new independently-released graphic novel out called Therefore Repent!. It is highly recommended for fans of Preacher, Y The Last Man and Philip K. Dick. Who would have […]

  5. Please, please, please say there will be a sequel!

  6. Ha! Sorry Adam, I can neither confirm nor deny at this point.

  7. I came across “Therefore Repent” by accident @ the bookstore & I could not put it down. I had to buy a copy for myself & for my friend’s upcomming B-day.

  8. I picked up the graphic novel yesterday. I sincerely hope that there is a second one in the making. Thanks a lot for a great read!

  9. […] Links Therefore Repent! Page Therefore Repent! on Wikipedia Therefore Repent! on […]

  10. Finally, *FINALLY* found a copy of this after a year or so of looking. (At World’s Biggest in TO)

    Happy to have found it, enjoyed it immensely, and looking forward to the sequel.

    I hope it doesn’t take me as long to find it. 😀

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