Susan and I are doing some exploring of our own — we’ve got two European shows coming up in London and Berlin. Currently we’re in Montepellier for her biochem conference, amazed that the French Mediterranean is in fact that fabled place of palm trees and terraced cafés.
But The Bold Explorers actually refers to the comic Kate and Bruce start making together at the end of An Opening Act of Unspeakable Evil. A comic that is currently being drawn into being by the fiendishly talented Michel Lacombe. Check out the cover, and keep your evil eye cocked for it — it’ll be released in October.
One response to “The Bold Explorers”
I’m the manager of an Austin-based comics retailer, and one of my customers has expressed an interest in your book. I’m having trouble finding anywhere on the site that gives ordering info… can you help me out?
Are you going through Diamond, Cold Cut or any other distributor? Or is this a direct only sales, and if so, what’s the best way for me to get my customer connected with you so he can pick up a copy of your book?