Jul 192006

Click to see page from Therefore Repent!I’m excited to announce that my fifth book will be a graphic novel: Therefore Repent! is set in the Chicagoland area after The Rapture and continues the story started in the 24 page webcomic I did last year with Michel Lacombe. Salgood Sam is illustrating this one and and we’re working towards a summer 2007 publishing date — check out a rough page from it here to get a taste of his amazing talent.

In the tradition of The Book of Revelation, it’s a pretty wild dark fantasy tale filled with demons and swords and blood. I’ve always been a fan of the kookier parts of the bible, being able to understand that it’s a story rich with symbolism rather than literal truth. But kind of like the people who learn Klingon and quote Kirk in episode 22, Christian fundamentalists take the bible way too seriously and ruin it for the rest of us. The difference is, instead of gathering harmlessly at Star Trek conventions, the fundies have taken over the White House and are trying to control people’s lives.

Update: You can order it here or find out more over here!

  9 Responses to “Therefore Repent!”

  1. Oh wow! Looks great!

    Good luck with this project 🙂

  2. Hey Jim! I’m so excited about your graphic novel. I read the preview and LOVE the story, and the art is perfect and fantastic. I enjoy visions of apocalypse, so this book will be most satisfying indeed. The rapture is an interesting “reason”, what made you pick this? The prophecies? Is Bush Sr. really satan, then?

    I myself am working on visions of a Peak Oil apocalypse and started a blog about it: http://ourpueblo.blogspot.com

    Best of luck, Jim, it looks like it’s going to be an excellent work!!

  3. Hey guys, thanks!

    Claudia– the reason I chose the Rapture… it’s a very weird and specific apocolypse, and one that a lot of people profess to believe. It’s kind of a “What if… the Religious Right were Right?” story. It also brings up interesting questions involving obedience to the authority of God.

  4. […] my pals at IDW are publishing it in the states, and Jim and Salgood have published it in Canada via No Media Kings. Posted by Chris Pitzer on Wednesday, October 3, 2007, at 8:43 am, and filed under Uncategorized. […]

  5. My girlfriend bought it for me. I read it. I totally loved it and I am not a fan of graphic novels really. I wish there were 20 more volumes .. hurry up 😉

  6. Great book. Purchased it at the Toronto Comicon and got to meet the writer and artist.

    Loved it. Nice work =)

  7. is there going to be more to this story…please say yes

  8. […] I’ve seen this done to great effect before with Jim Munroe & Salgood Sam’s Therefore Repent — another great book, […]

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